Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lace Crowns

I may be a terrible mom for it... but my boys LOVE modeling the stuff I make. It makes me so happy that they do. So when i make things for little girls, they want to model those too!

I made two sets of these crowns (one for someone Hayden's age, and one for someone Eldon's age). They were very  happy to have me make them for them and even begged me to make them some. 

I used Little Inspiration's tutorial for Lace crowns. I used mod podge {honestly because i though starch was the same as fabric stiffener (it's not) and had gone a wee bit over budget}. It didn't make my crowns quite as stiff as hers, but it did make them a bit flexible which with little girls, might be nice. 

I love my boys and their silly posing faces :)

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